It is great to say that you are an anti-bullying ally, but do you know what that truly means? Will you back It up with your actions? If you see someone getting bullied would you intervene and step in to help them? If the answers are yes to these questions, you are a true ally.
It breaks my heart to see children that sit alone at lunch time. If you see someone sitting alone, invite them over to sit with you. You never truly know the value someone has to offer the world until you give them a chance to be your friend, and this starts through conversation. When I say value to give to the world, I mean through their creativity, laugh, attitude, interests, intellect, and everything else that is beautiful and unique about them.
If you see someone getting looked down upon or not included in a group, go out of your way to include them. Even the most extraverted person can be shy when it comes to including themselves. I deal with that personally. I am quick to make conversation with others, as I am a bubbly person, but when it comes to including myself in plans, I always have felt uncomfortable doing that, and constantly feel left out, even if I am not putting myself out there to be included. When you see someone not actively trying to participate, remember that they are quite possibly doing all that they can and know how to do to be included, so meet them halfway. You quite possibly could meet your best friend by doing so, you just need to get to know everyone!
Many times, society views popularity on if someone has a clique of girls, usually 3 to four who are best friends and are viewed by others as superior due to excluding everyone else. I would like to challenge this mindset! You should measure your popularity on who you include instead of who you exclude. By the definition of popularity, it can be found that the more people who like you, the more popular you are. It is only right that the true popularity is used again, the more people that we let in and allow to love us, and that we show love to, the more popular we are. Always remember, be inclusive, not exclusive. Be Kind, Be You!