I Hear of Young Girls Getting Bullied Almost Daily, And I Am Sick Of It!

Not that long ago, I sat in the same space as some of our young readers. Being over eager to know what others thought, and what their opinions were, because as kind as I would be to others, it was not often reciprocated. It is not an easy place to be in when your kindness and love of others is taken advantage of, especially by those you call friends. Unfortunately, when you are a person who is kind to everyone, the world can see this as a huge weakness and they think that they can walk all over you. I am here to tell you that it honestly is your biggest strength!

I have been someone time and time again who has seen the best of friends take advantage of how giving I am. It honestly is a hard pill to swallow that not every person you meet and love will ever be as kind as you. You must come to terms with the fact that what you view as basic and essential in a friendship is so obsolete in the minds of others. If you have not bullied another person, hold your head high, be secure in yourself, and realize that the reason others bully is due to their own insecurities and short-comings. I am proud to say that even though I have been mistreated by girls in the past, I have never bullied. I opened my arms, my heart, and was never closed off with my love and appreciation for those who truly matter.

Girls, never let anyone tare you down. Do not let them drag you down, you do NOT belong down there. Do not allow them to make you so angered that you get on their level, for you are much better than they will ever be. Keep being you. Keep being kind. In the end, those who bully you will envy where you end up, I promise you! Keep prospering, keep shining, keep accomplishing. Realize that there are adults that love you, that know the importance of being kind and loving others. I am one of those adults, and will always rally for a kinder tomorrow. Until then, keep your pretty head up! Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself, because this is being kind to yourself by doing so. If your friend was being picked on you would stand up for them, so why not stand up for your bestfriend, yourself!?! The bullying needs to end. I am so sick of it, and instead of taring each other down, compliment someone. It is so transparent that when you rip others on their characteristics, that you wish you had a gift that God has given them and not you. Be kinder! :) A kinder tomorrow starts with you! I want this website to serve as a safe haven for those effected by bullying. Please know that you are so important to this world! The road to realizing your self worth is winding and rocky, but once you do, you can cruise into your destiny!

