Dear Readers,
When I was in the middle of graduate school, I started to work with children, and saw the need for a kinder world for them to grow up in. After months of planning, I decided to start a blog on kindness, accepting yourself and others, and inclusion. As someone who has experienced bullying firsthand in childhood, I never wanted anyone to feel that they were alone or without a friend. Everyone has value and brings something to the world that no one else can. I made it my goal to be a safe space for those who need it, to empower those who need a friend, and to encourage kindness warriors to spread light in the darkness. Over the last three years, it has been my mission to use my experiences and passion for advocacy, kindness, and pediatric behavioral health in order to better the world we live in. Be Kind. Be You. A better tomorrow starts when kindness leads. Over the last three years, the platform has grown so much, and has made such an impact on many readers all over the world. I feel honored and blessed to play a small role in making the world a kinder and more inclusive place for all children.
Dr. Kennedy