Kindness to Self Is Utilizing and Honoring Your Gifts

Have you ever felt so comfortable with partaking in a skillset that the experience brings you joy? When we look introspectively and can truly sense what we are good at, we are able to better utilize our gifts. When we are able to identify our gifts, we are better able to identify our skillset, and then embark on a journey to put purpose to our passion. You see, you can be good at something, and it not be your passion, however, when the challenges are outweighed by the feeling of joy that the experience brings, and you want to dive even deeper into the challenges in order to solve issues, then it becomes a passion. You will do whatever it takes to reach the goal, to obtain the credentials to allow you to do the desired position.

Many times, this joy comes with using our gifts, combined with our passion, to serve others. For me personally, the greatest joy imaginable is helping children with special needs to be able to maintain behaviors that are socially acceptable, and that will serve them well in all aspects of life and human interaction. When you connect your drive, passion, and gifts, we are honoring ourselves, by utilizing our gifts well, and are honoring our purpose in life.

No matter what you do, who you become, and where you are, if you are utilizing your gifts to serve not only yourself, but also others, the world will be a much kinder place.


Kennedy Paron, DBH